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Why I Collect: Kwong Yee Leong

Why I Collect: Kwong Yee Leong

The founder of the experimental exhibition space Blank Canvas in Malaysia embodies an innovative approach to philanthropy ‘I was born and grew up in Malaysia. I studied philosophy in Singapore. I then worked in Hong Kong, and later in Shanghai before moving back to Hong Kong. I’m a Management Consultant and my professional career has...

Who Are Today’s Female Surrealists?

Who Are Today’s Female Surrealists?

100 years after the birth of Surrealism, meet the heiresses of Leonor Fini, Leonora Carrington, and Meret Oppenheim For so long, they were only shadowy figures – when it came to public memory, in any case. But in the last several years, their rich and complex work has finally started to be uncovered. Leonor Fini (1907-1996), Leonora...

For Graffiti Artists, Abandoned Skyscrapers in Miami and Los Angeles Become a Canvas for Regular People to Be Seen and Heard

For Graffiti Artists, Abandoned Skyscrapers in Miami and Los Angeles Become a Canvas for Regular People to Be Seen and Heard

The three qualities that matter most in real estate also matter the most to graffiti artists: location, location, location. In Miami and Los Angeles, cities that contain some of the most expensive real estate in the U.S., graffiti artists have recently made sure their voices can be heard and seen, even from the sky. In...

UW-Developed Smart Earrings Can Monitor a Person’s Temperature

UW-Developed Smart Earrings Can Monitor a Person’s Temperature

Smart accessories are increasingly common. Rings and watches track vitals, while Ray-Bans now come with cameras and microphones. Wearable tech has even broached brooches. Yet certain accessories have yet to get the smart touch. University of Washington researchers introduced the Thermal Earring, a wireless wearable that continuously monitors a user’s earlobe temperature. In a study of six...

Why Artists Should Learn How to Use AI Tools

Why Artists Should Learn How to Use AI Tools

In his talk at Rhizome’s 7×7 conference, the musician and comedian Reggie Watts said that artists should learn how to use the creative applications of artificial intelligence so they can ‘be at the table and have an opinion.’ His words summed up the ethos of the event, which invited artists who had not previously worked...

How to Finance Your Art Collection

How to Finance Your Art Collection

Collectors are increasingly using loans to buy; Art Basel examines the mechanisms Andy Warhol famously quipped that ‘being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art.’ But an artwork is itself an investment, and few collectors would ignore that their purchases can appreciate in value. Unlike stocks and other fungible assets, however, unique artworks...

From Dawn of Time to Dusk – Our Evolutionary Ability to Perceive Time in Art

From Dawn of Time to Dusk – Our Evolutionary Ability to Perceive Time in Art

Scientists have shown that people are able to tell apart morning from evening depictions in paintings using simple and subtle colour clues in the image. A study by Newcastle University, UK, and Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, published in the Journal of Vision, has found that people use a combination of colour and brightness in a...

ChatGPT Poem Regurgitation Raises Ethical Questions

ChatGPT Poem Regurgitation Raises Ethical Questions

Ask ChatGPT to find a well-known poem and it will probably regurgitate the entire text verbatim – regardless of copyright law – according to a new study by Cornell University researchers. The study showed that ChatGPT was capable of “memorizing” poems, especially famous ones commonly found online. The findings pose ethical questions about how ChatGPT...

The Many Whims of Kara Chin

The Many Whims of Kara Chin

The Singapore-born, UK–based artist pieces together ceramics, installations, and animations with intuition and emotion When Kara Chin was a child, she would sit at the back of her sister’s ballet class. She hated to twirl and point, but she did enjoy drawing the dancers. At home, she sat in the kitchen and drew food, kitchen...

Shanghai: An Art Ecosystem in Transition

Shanghai: An Art Ecosystem in Transition

Still recovering from COVID-19 lockdown measures and navigating new developments in the Chinese economy, November 2023 art week in Shanghai was a litmus test Shanghai’s art world moves quickly, passing through a couple of cycles every decade or so, as new waves of artists, writers, gallerists, collectors, and entrepreneurial interlopers of all kinds and from...