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I’m Suing Scott Pruitt’s Broken EPA – Here’s How to Fix It

I’m Suing Scott Pruitt’s Broken EPA – Here’s How to Fix It

In 2017, just a few days after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, a freshman GOP lawmaker with only a few days on the job of his own, proposed House Resolution 861. Its language was ominous: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” I was in my sixth year on the...

Why Are Sinclair’s Scripted News Segments Such a Big Deal?

Why Are Sinclair’s Scripted News Segments Such a Big Deal?

On March 31, Deadspin produced a video showing a chorus of local news anchors delivering the exact same scripted speech to viewers. The message – denouncing media bias and fake news, calling it a problem that is “neither politically ‘left nor right’” – might seem innocuous enough. But I study the media industry, and it...

DMX Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court To One Year In Prison For Tax Fraud

DMX Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court To One Year In Prison For Tax Fraud

Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that Earl Simmons, known professionally as “DMX” and “X,” was sentenced today in Manhattan federal court to one year in prison for tax fraud in connection with evading the payment of income taxes in the period from 2010 through 2016. ...

Culture of Trust Is Key for School Safety

Culture of Trust Is Key for School Safety

When we first visited the school that is the focus of our forthcoming book, “Navigating Conflict: How Youth Handle Trouble in a High-Poverty School,” back in 1995, students were free to move about campus during lunch and other free periods and a culture of trust prevailed. All that changed during the 1999-2000 school year. That’s...

Trump’s  Billion in China Tariffs Will Create More Problems Than They Solve

Trump’s $60 Billion in China Tariffs Will Create More Problems Than They Solve

After spending seven months investigating whether China is engaged in unfair trade practices, the Trump administration announced March 22 that it will impose tariffs on as much as US$60 billion in Chinese imports. The tariffs are meant to address two problems: intellectual property theft by China and a steep and persistent trade deficit. As an...

Why Is Sarcasm So Difficult to Detect in Texts and Emails?

Why Is Sarcasm So Difficult to Detect in Texts and Emails?

This sentence begins the best article you will ever read. Chances are you thought that last statement might be sarcasm. Sarcasm, as linguist Robert Gibbs noted, includes “words used to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning of a sentence.” A form of irony, it also tends to be directed...

The Ideal Female Body Type Is Getting Even Harder to Attain

The Ideal Female Body Type Is Getting Even Harder to Attain

Day after day, we’re bombarded with so many media messages that rarely do we stop to think about what they’re telling us to think, do or feel. Much has been written about the unrealistic beauty standards women have been held to. Female actresses, models and TV personalities are overwhelmingly thin, which has had a detrimental...

Red State, Blue State: How Colors Took Sides in Politics

Red State, Blue State: How Colors Took Sides in Politics

When Americans hear some pundits projecting a “blue wave” in the 2018 midterm elections, they understand that this is a prediction of a big Democratic victory. Blue of course symbolizes the Democratic party, while red represents the GOP. This might seem like a long-standing tradition, but it isn’t. While writing my forthcoming book “On Color,”...