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How a Thrill-Seeking Personality Helps Olympic Athletes

How a Thrill-Seeking Personality Helps Olympic Athletes

One of the main draws of the Winter Olympics is the opportunity to witness some of the most exciting and nail-biting athletic feats. The daring events include the bobsled and downhill skiing. Then there’s the terrifying skeleton: Imagine barreling down a narrow chute of twisted ice-coated concrete at 125 miles per hour. Now imagine doing...

1 Billion+ Women Lack Legal Protection Against Domestic Sexual Violence

1 Billion+ Women Lack Legal Protection Against Domestic Sexual Violence

More than one billion women lack legal protection against domestic sexual violence, says new research from the World Bank. The study, Global and Regional Trends in Women’s Legal Protection Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Harassment, also found that close to 1.4 billion women lack legal protection against domestic economic violence. Economic abuse entails controlling a woman’s ability to access...

Black America’s ‘Bleaching Syndrome

Black America’s ‘Bleaching Syndrome

For black Americans, skin color is a complex topic. Whenever a black celebrity lightens his or her skin – whether it’s pop star Michael Jackson, retired baseball player Sammy Sosa or rapper Nicki Minaj – they’re usually greeted with widespread ridicule. Some accuse them of self-loathing, while many in the African-American community view it as...

Inside North Korea’s Literary Fiction Factory

Inside North Korea’s Literary Fiction Factory

With colorful rhetoric about dotards and nuclear buttons, North Korean propaganda is attracting attention around the world. Outside observers can now easily access some of this propaganda by visiting regime-sponsored websites. These have, in turn, spawned foreign feeds like the excellent KCNA Watch media aggregator and satirical sites such as “Kim Jong Un Looking at...

Americans Are Saving Energy by Staying at Home

Americans Are Saving Energy by Staying at Home

Information and communication technologies are radically transforming modern lifestyles. They are redefining our concept of “space” by turning homes and coffee shops into workspaces. (This article was written in a coffee shop.) Instead of going to the theater, many people sit in the comfort of their homes and stream movies. Online purchasing of food, groceries...

How Gender Equality Can Help Fix the Construction Industry

How Gender Equality Can Help Fix the Construction Industry

  The government-commissioned Farmer Review warned in 2016 that the UK construction industry was “facing challenges that have not been seen before”. In no uncertain terms, it called for major industry-wide change. The “overwhelming risks” foreseen in the review sadly seem to have come to pass. Major contractor Carillion’s collapse comes shortly after an autumn...

Ethiopia Could Be Sitting on One of World’s Great Untapped Gold Deposits

Ethiopia Could Be Sitting on One of World’s Great Untapped Gold Deposits

To the west of Ethiopia near the Sudanese border lies a place called the Asosa zone. This may be the location of the oldest gold mine in the world. Dating back some 6,000 years, it provided a key source of gold to the ancient Egyptian empire, whose great wealth was famous throughout the known world....

The Ikea Effect: How Ingvar Kamprad’s Company Changed the Way We Shop

The Ikea Effect: How Ingvar Kamprad’s Company Changed the Way We Shop

Ingvar Kamprad, who started Ikea as a teenager, has died at the age of 91. He started with stationery and stockings, but went on to build one of the world’s biggest furniture companies. And the way he did it has revolutionised how retailers operate. There are two facets of modern life that we have Ikea...

How Mass Incarceration Harms U.S. Health, in 5 Charts

How Mass Incarceration Harms U.S. Health, in 5 Charts

The U.S. incarcerates a higher percentage of its citizens than any other country in the world. There’s little doubt among researchers that mass incarceration is wreaking havoc on our society, in particular on people of color, LGBTQ and the poor. What’s often overlooked in this discussion is the damage that prisons and jails do to...