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Craig & Karl: ‘We Are Constantly Reinventing Our Work’

Craig & Karl: ‘We Are Constantly Reinventing Our Work’

Craig & Karl self portraits | Source: Craig & Karl “When we started working, there was that kind of boom around vector-style illustration. It became quite fashionable, certainly in fashion-based stuff,” said Karl Maier, half of the transatlantic graphic design duo Craig & Karl, formed in 2011 in partnership with longtime friend and creative collaborator...

Agatha Ruiz dela Prada: My Love of Color Bred Success

Agatha Ruiz dela Prada: My Love of Color Bred Success

You’d be hard put if you entered a Spanish home not to find at least one item designed by Agatha Ruiz de la Prada. The fashion designer, who has no connection to Italian fashion label Prada, is known for her colourful and funky designs. She may have started out with clothing but her sprawling design...

Terry Richardson: Fashion’s Witch Hunt

Terry Richardson: Fashion’s Witch Hunt

The New York Post very recently published a lengthy piece on recurring topic of discussion: Terry Richardson. According to the NY Post, “He is the Annie Leibovitz of his generation, having shot every culturally relevant celebrity of the past decade — Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Beyoncé. He is the man behind Miley Cyrus’ controversial makeover and...

Fashion + Democracy… Evolution or Revolution?

Fashion + Democracy… Evolution or Revolution?

What difference do­­­es it make what people wear and who designed it? Caring about fashion and style is only for the self involved and shallow, right? The fact that fashion is now accessible to many instead of a chosen few has several of my colleagues up in arms. The fine line between high and mainstream...

A Tribute to the Countess

A Tribute to the Countess

Over the years we have come to love the last editorial page of W Magazine also known as the Last Laugh of every issue. The Countess Louise J. Esterhazy writes each article. When Stefano Tonchi became the new Editor-in-Chief of W Magazine, the alter ego, Louise J. Esterhazy, of John Fairchild retired. Recent issues of...

Design Star

Design Star

Great designers are often inspired by personal experiences and their surroundings; with that in mind, handbag designer Linda Marcus has great things to look forward to. A former journalist, Marcus spent plenty of her time around the U.S sharing stories about her subjects, very much like her new found title as founder and head designer....