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Trump Could Be Using Advanced Game Theory Negotiating Techniques – or He’s Hopelessly Adrift

Trump Could Be Using Advanced Game Theory Negotiating Techniques – or He’s Hopelessly Adrift

The latest G-7 summit, held June 8 to 9 in Quebec, was one of the most contentious in years. That’s because Donald Trump and his counterparts from six other industrialized countries have been at loggerheads over the president’s aggressive but unstable trade policy. Trump’s renunciation of the Iran nuclear deal, his efforts to renegotiate NAFTA...

What Greek Tragedy Illuminates About James Comey

What Greek Tragedy Illuminates About James Comey

Once upon a time, there was a prominent, powerful man in government who cared deeply about integrity and following the rules. He said, “You cannot know a man completely, his character, his principles, sense of judgment, not till he’s shown his colors … Experience, there’s the test.” Leaders have a sacred obligation to those they...

I’m Suing Scott Pruitt’s Broken EPA – Here’s How to Fix It

I’m Suing Scott Pruitt’s Broken EPA – Here’s How to Fix It

In 2017, just a few days after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, a freshman GOP lawmaker with only a few days on the job of his own, proposed House Resolution 861. Its language was ominous: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” I was in my sixth year on the...

Why Trump’s Infrastructure Ambitions Are Likely to Stall

Why Trump’s Infrastructure Ambitions Are Likely to Stall

President Donald Trump recently raised the ante with his promise to unleash a wave of new infrastructure spending. During his first State of Union address, he conjured up images of “gleaming new roads, bridges, highways, railways and waterways all across our land” without getting into the details. The White House will soon unveil Trump’s “Infrastructure...

1 Billion+ Women Lack Legal Protection Against Domestic Sexual Violence

1 Billion+ Women Lack Legal Protection Against Domestic Sexual Violence

More than one billion women lack legal protection against domestic sexual violence, says new research from the World Bank. The study, Global and Regional Trends in Women’s Legal Protection Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Harassment, also found that close to 1.4 billion women lack legal protection against domestic economic violence. Economic abuse entails controlling a woman’s ability to access...

Will a Federal Government Shutdown Damage the U.S. Economy?

Will a Federal Government Shutdown Damage the U.S. Economy?

The federal government is on the brink of shutting down for the first time in a little more than four years after Republicans and Democrats appeared unable to agree on a last-minute deal to keep funds flowing for another few weeks. The immediate and most visible impact would be in the government’s day-to-day operations. Many...

What Jeff Sessions Doesn’t Understand About Medical Marijuana

What Jeff Sessions Doesn’t Understand About Medical Marijuana

On Jan. 4, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded the Cole memo, a 2013 document that limits federal enforcement of marijuana laws. This opens the door for a crackdown in the nine states with legal recreational marijuana. The Cole memo is one of two documents that prevent the U.S. Justice Department from treating marijuana as a...

Every Year, Millions Try to Navigate U.S. Courts Without a Lawyer

Every Year, Millions Try to Navigate U.S. Courts Without a Lawyer

Judge Richard A. Posner, a legendary judicial figure, retired abruptly earlier this month to make a point: People without lawyers are mistreated in the American legal system. In one of his final opinions as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, he expressed frustration at the dismissal of one...