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Colossal Oysters Have Disappeared from Florida’s ‘Most Pristine’ Coastlines

Colossal Oysters Have Disappeared from Florida’s ‘Most Pristine’ Coastlines

Hundreds of years ago, colossal oysters were commonplace across much of Florida’s northern Gulf Coast. Today, those oysters have disappeared, leaving behind a new generation roughly a third smaller – a massive decline that continues to have both economic and environmental impacts on a region considered by many to be the last remaining unspoiled coastlines...

Green Infrastructure Provides Benefits That Residents Are Willing to Work For, Study Shows

Green Infrastructure Provides Benefits That Residents Are Willing to Work For

Urban areas face increasing problems with stormwater management. Impervious surfaces on roads and buildings cause flooding, which impacts the water quality of streams, rivers and lakes. Green infrastructure, including features such as rain barrels, green roofs, rain gardens, and on-site water treatment, can provide affordable and environmentally sound ways to manage precipitation. However, green infrastructure...

The Gap Between Buying and Renting Narrows Nationwide

The Gap Between Buying and Renting Narrows Nationwide

After years of skyrocketing home prices, the combination of rising rents, lower mortgage rates and moderating home prices are making purchasing a home more attractive in many of the nation’s largest metros, according to realtor.com’s quarterly Rent vs. Buy report released today. The report, which analyzed the cost of buying versus renting in 593 counties...

Room for Complexity? the Many Players in the Coffee Agroecosystem

Room for Complexity? the Many Players in the Coffee Agroecosystem

The BioScience Talks podcast features discussions of topical issues related to the biological sciences. Agricultural areas are often considered distinct from local ecosystems, and in many cases, such an assessment rings true. Single-crop farmlands, reliant on the liberal use of pest- and herbicides, often limit local biodiversity and species interactions. However, in other agricultural settings, robust ecosystems...

Racial Discrimination in Mortgage Market Persistent Over Last Four Decades

Racial Discrimination in Mortgage Market Persistent Over Last Four Decades

Black and Hispanic borrowers more likely to be rejected when they apply for a loan; more likely to receive a high-cost mortgage Housing discrimination leads to persistent neighborhood segregation Discrimination in mortgage market makes it more difficult for minority households to build wealth through housing A new Northwestern University analysis finds that racial disparities in...

It’s 2020: Time to Teach Teens ‘Safe’ Sexting

It’s 2020: Time to Teach Teens ‘Safe’ Sexting

Preaching sexual abstinence to youth was popular for a number of decades, but research repeatedly found that such educational messages fell short in their intended goals. Simply telling youth not to have sex failed to delay the initiation of sex, prevent pregnancies, or stop the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases. Since the advent of photo- and...

Local Activism Can’t Be Crushed, Research Finds. at Most, It Changes Target

Local Activism Can’t Be Crushed, Research Finds. at Most, It Changes Target

According to received wisdom, local activism against the establishment of industrial plants follows a cycle, with its highest intensity a short time after mobilization. If a firm stands, activism is destined to fade away. New research published in the Strategic Management Journal suggests us to think it again. Fabrizio Perretti (Bocconi’s Department of Management and Technology) and...

Sea Level Rise Could Reshape the United States, Trigger Migration Inland

Sea Level Rise Could Reshape the United States, Trigger Migration Inland

When Hurricane Harvey slammed into the Texas coast in 2017, displaced residents flocked inland, trying to rebuild their lives in the disaster’s aftermath. Within decades, the same thing could happen at a much larger scale due to rising sea levels, says a new study led by USC Computer Science Assistant Professor Bistra Dilkina. The study,...

Bill de Blasio’s Bagel Gaffe and the Fraught Politics of Food

Bill de Blasio’s Bagel Gaffe and the Fraught Politics of Food

If New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio hadn’t already dropped out of the 2020 presidential race, #bagelgate might have been the nail in the coffin. His Jan. 15 tweet praising a toasted bagel on National Bagel Day instantly set off hardline bagel devotees-cum-voters. De Blasio quickly amended his tweet to delete the word “toasted.”...