This July will be the 30th anniversary of Spike Lee’s hit film Do The Right Thing, which took place in the Bedford-Stuyvesant (“Bed-Stuy”) neighborhood of central Brooklyn. And almost 40 years ago Billy Joel sang “I walked through Bedford-Stuy alone” in his pop hit “You May Be Right.” These two pop culture classics paint a...
Need to Find a Good Restaurant? Economics Serves Up Some Golden Rules
Where to eat? It’s a question you’ve probably pondered when visiting somewhere unfamiliar. Though it’s fun to explore a strange suburb, town or city, when you’re hungry you’d rather minimise the chance of paying exorbitant prices for an unpleasant experience. Can economics help? We’ve combined economic theory with data from online restaurant ratings to identify...
Locally Based Haitian Social Entrepreneurs Empower Disaster-Stricken Villagers to Rebuild and Improve Their Communities
The Academy of Management Journal has just published a paper titled Collective emotions in institutional creation work, which has been produced at Aalto University School of Business in collaboration with the University of Birmingham. The paper addresses the often overlooked issue of how communities rebuild long after the NGOs have moved onto the next disaster. Steffen...
FSU Researcher Finds Hate Crimes Committed by Groups Hurt the Most
Hate crimes committed by groups are especially likely to result in injuries such as broken bones and missing teeth, according to a new study from Florida State University. Brendan Lantz, an assistant professor in the FSU College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, found that co-offending, or committing a crime with others, was significantly related to...
House Hunting Is a Struggle for Mixed-Race Families
Mixed-race couples are a burgeoning population in the United States, accounting for 17 percent of all new marriages. But a new study shows they have a hard time finding a place to raise their children. BYU sociology professor Ryan Gabriel published the study in the journal Demography with Georgia State’s Amy Spring. They found that mixed-race couples...
Is It Really ‘Dry Clean Only’?
Knowing the do’s and don’ts of washing your clothes can be difficult, but chemistry has got your back. With a quick lesson in textile chemistry, you’ll be able to understand the different fabrics that make up your clothes. This week on Reactions, we’ll explore whether it’s safe to wash your favorite new shirt at home...
Where Are Teens Getting Their Electronic Cigarettes?
Ashley Merianos, an assistant professor with University of Cincinnati’s School of Human Services, performed a secondary analysis of the 2016 National Youth Tobacco Survey and found that of 1,579 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 who had admitted to using electronic cigarettes within the last 30 days of the survey, 13.6 percent were...
Trust More Important Than Ecology to Gain Local Support for Conservation
Trust, transparency, communication, and fairness in the planning and management of conservation projects may be more important for gaining long-term local support than emphasizing ecological effectiveness, UBC-led research has discovered. In the study, released in Conservation Letters, researchers surveyed small-scale fishermen in six European countries about their perceptions of and support for marine protected areas (MPAs)....
Predicting Gentrification in Order to Prevent It
A new research model allows urban planners, policymakers and community leaders to better focus resources to limit gentrification in vulnerable neighborhoods throughout the U.S. By examining the “people, place and policy” factors that determine whether a neighborhood will gentrify or not, the model offers a better understanding of what fosters gentrification and what limits it....
Why People Reject City Trees
Trees are a hallmark of vibrant neighborhoods. So why did nearly one-quarter of eligible residents in Detroit, Michigan, turn down free street trees? That’s the mystery University of Vermont researcher Christine Carmichael solves in one of the first studies to explore opposition to city tree planting programs. As cities from New York to L.A. embark...