It’s an extraordinary tale with a whiff of Banksy about it, although surprisingly, he was not involved. In a landmark ruling, 21 New York street artists have sued and won US$6.7m in damages from the owner of a building who destroyed their graffiti when he had the building demolished. Following a three-week trial in November,...
January 19, 2018January 19, 2018Perspectives
What’s In An Icon
Has the word and concept of “iconic” become greatly overused? The word combines our attitudes toward people, places and things that are not only great but heralded, cherished and placed on exemplary lists. But there is a growing tendency by some to use “iconic” in a cheeky fashion, especially in social media forums (iconic pet memes?).
January 4, 2018June 21, 2019Art & Style
Italy, Fall of 2010
In September 2010, we commissioned Italian photographer Giacomo Cosua for a series on Fall in Milan, Rome, and Venice.
January 4, 2018January 4, 2018Art & Style
Exploring New York’s Subway Art
My home subway station is Kings Highway on the Brighton line, in southern Brooklyn, and served by the B and Q trains. The station has three entrances and typically when I enter or exit, I rush in or out. Sometimes I slow down and look at something on the station walls. I am quite familiar...