One of the great mysteries of late medieval history is why did the Norse, who had established successful settlements in southern Greenland in 985, abandon them in the early 15th century? The consensus view has long been that colder temperatures, associated with the Little Ice Age, helped make the colonies unsustainable. However, new research, led by...
UN: 500 Million Live in 19 African Nations Deemed Water Insecure
Despite global Sustainable Development Goals and commitments made in 2015, just 29 African nations have made some progress over the past three to five years, 25 have made none, according to the UN’s first-ever assessment of water security in Africa. Published on the eve of World Water Day (March 22) by UN University’s Canadian-based Institute...
Urban Mining Transforms Brazil Neighborhoods into Ghost Town
This part of Maceio, the capital of Brazil’s northeastern Alagoas state, used to buzz with the sounds of cars, commerce and children playing. It went silent as residents evacuated en masse, eager to escape the looming destruction of their homes, which were cracking and crumbling. Beneath their floors, the subsurface was riddled with dozens of...
China’s Political and Economic Dilemma
Last month, Russia and China declared that their friendship had “no limits.” But since Russia launched its attack on Ukraine, that friendship has been strained. As the war has gone on, China has sought to distance itself from Russia to avoid the same financial sanctions and economic isolation that has rocked Russia in recent weeks....
Ancient Mexican City Endured for Centuries Without Extremes in Wealth and Power
Location, location, location—it’s the first rule of real estate. For a long time, it’s been widely assumed that being close to resources drives settlement patterns, with cities generally founded near water and fertile land for growing crops. But a new paper by a husband-and-wife archaeological team questions that idea, using the example of an ancient...
At Cartel Extermination Site; Mexico Nears 100k Missing
For the investigators, the human foot — burned, but with some fabric still attached — was the tipoff: Until recently, this squat, ruined house was a place where bodies were ripped apart and incinerated, where the remains of some of Mexico’s missing multitudes were obliterated. How many disappeared in this cartel “extermination site” on the...
Sustainable Groundwater Use Could Be Answer to Africa’s Water Issues
Tapping into groundwater can help communities in Africa diversify their water supply and strengthen their drought defenses, according to a study led by The University of Texas at Austin. The research, which was published in Environmental Research Letters, tracked long term water storage gains and losses across Africa’s 13 major aquifers and found opportunities for sustainably withdrawing...
How Mexico’s Lucrative Avocado Industry Found Itself Smack in the Middle of Gangland
To the relief of avocado lovers from coast to coast, the recent drama between the United States and Mexico was fleeting. The U.S. Department of Agriculture banned imports of the fleshy fruit from Mexico on Feb. 11, 2022, after an employee of its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, who was working in Mexico, received...
PERSPECTIVE: Putin’s Push to ‘Keep Peace’ in Ukraine Is an Act of Naked Aggression
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is not a peacekeeping operation as described by Russian-language media, but an act of naked aggression, according to Heather D. DeHaan, associate professor of history at Binghamton University, State University of New York. On the surface of things, this is a conflict over NATO expansion, something to which Russia has objected for...
From Banking to Sports to Vodka, Russia’s Isolation Grows
It’s a globalized world — a planet stitched together by intricate supply chains, banking, sports and countless other threads of deep connection. Until it isn’t. Exhibit A: Russia this week, abruptly cut off from the larger world on multiple fronts. Its ability to bank internationally has been curtailed. Its participation in major international sports is...