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Escape the Vapes: Scientists Call for Global Shift to Curb Consumer Use of Disposable Technologies

Escape the Vapes: Scientists Call for Global Shift to Curb Consumer Use of Disposable Technologies

Scientists have called for a concerted global effort to stem the tide of disposable electronic technologies – such as vapes – contributing to international waste accumulation and environmental degradation. Writing in the journal Science, researchers from across the UK have highlighted how disposable vape sales quadrupled in the UK between 2022 and 2023, with consumers now...

Who’s Rulin’ Who?

Who’s Rulin’ Who?

A review of Anu Bradford, “Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology” (Oxford University Press, 2023) A European digital privacy activist lodges an appeal with the High Court of Ireland, arguing that the Irish Data Protection Commissioner’s refusal to prohibit transfer of his personal data to the U.S. by global technology giant Facebook (now...

Serengeti Migration: Fire and Rain Affect How Zebras, Wildebeest and Gazelles Make the Journey

Serengeti Migration: Fire and Rain Affect How Zebras, Wildebeest and Gazelles Make the Journey

Tanzania’s Serengeti ecosystem is like a time machine. As one of the world’s last remaining fully intact grazing ecosystems it provides a glimpse of what others in Australia, Eurasia and the Americas might have looked like when communities of large grazing mammals roamed freely across these continents. During the Late Pleistocene, which spanned from 129,000...

Chimpanzees Stayed in an ‘Invisible Cage’ After Zoo Enclosure Was Enlarged – South African Study

Chimpanzees Stayed in an ‘Invisible Cage’ After Zoo Enclosure Was Enlarged – South African Study

Captive chimpanzees are one of the most popular species kept in zoos because of their charismatic appeal and similarity to humans. They are the closest living relatives of humans because of the shared genes and behavioural and psychological similarities. Zoos are ethically bound to care for the animals they house. Many provide environments that care...

Plant Science: Tracing the Spread of Cacao Domestication

Plant Science: Tracing the Spread of Cacao Domestication

The cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), whose beans (cocoa) are used to make products including chocolate, liquor and cocoa butter, may have spread from the Amazon basin to the other regions of South and Central America at least 5,000 years ago via trade routes, suggests a paper published in Scientific Reports. These findings, based on residues in...

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Can Hunger Be Eradicated by 2030?

World hunger is growing at an alarming rate, with prolonged conflicts, climate change, and COVID-19 exacerbating the problem. In 2022, the World Food Programme helped a record 158 million people. On this trajectory, the United Nations’ goal to eradicate hunger by 2030 appears increasingly unattainable. New research at McGill University shines the spotlight on a...

100 Years of Radio in Africa: From Propaganda to People’s Power

100 Years of Radio in Africa: From Propaganda to People’s Power

Radio is thriving across Africa. Exact figures are difficult to come by because audience research differs across countries. But studies estimate radio listenership to be between 60% and 80% of the continent’s 1.4 billion population. In contrast to many western countries, where there has been a shift towards streaming and podcasts, traditional radio continues to...