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Why I Collect: Kwong Yee Leong

Why I Collect: Kwong Yee Leong

The founder of the experimental exhibition space Blank Canvas in Malaysia embodies an innovative approach to philanthropy ‘I was born and grew up in Malaysia. I studied philosophy in Singapore. I then worked in Hong Kong, and later in Shanghai before moving back to Hong Kong. I’m a Management Consultant and my professional career has...

Who Are Today’s Female Surrealists?

Who Are Today’s Female Surrealists?

100 years after the birth of Surrealism, meet the heiresses of Leonor Fini, Leonora Carrington, and Meret Oppenheim For so long, they were only shadowy figures – when it came to public memory, in any case. But in the last several years, their rich and complex work has finally started to be uncovered. Leonor Fini (1907-1996), Leonora...

Disinformation: A Back Pocket Guide

Disinformation: A Back Pocket Guide

A review of Lee McIntyre, “On Disinformation: How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy” (MIT 2023) In his 1962 book, “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” future Librarian of Congress Daniel J. Boorstin predicted a time in which our ability to technologically shape reality would become so sophisticated that our creations would...

Miami International Boat Show: Sailing On Dreams and Reality

Miami International Boat Show: Sailing On Dreams and Reality

There are many niche industry shows and festivals for us to attend, throughout the United States, from art to musical instruments, cars, home decor and upscale foods and wine– and of course boating. The 2024 Miami International Boat Show, February 14 through 18 was expansive, full of eye candy for those who love their boats and the many accessories available...

Associations Between Mango Eaters and Moms-To-Be: Better Diets and Improved Nutrient Intakes

Associations Between Mango Eaters and Moms-To-Be: Better Diets and Improved Nutrient Intakes

Women trying to conceive, currently pregnant or lactating have unique nutritional needs often unmet by current dietary choices. A recent study, published in Nutrients, shows a significant finding: when mangos are incorporated into the diets of women of childbearing age (WCA), both overall diet quality and the intake of vital nutrients crucial for a healthy pregnancy...

Study Shows Background Checks Don’t Always Check Out

Study Shows Background Checks Don’t Always Check Out

Employers making hiring decisions, landlords considering possible tenants and schools approving field trip chaperones all widely use commercial background checks. But a new multi-institutional study co-authored by a University of Maryland researcher shows that background checks themselves can’t be trusted. Assistant Professor Robert Stewart of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Associate Professor Sarah Lageson...

Why We Hate to Wait

Why We Hate to Wait

Back in 1981, Tom Petty sang that the waiting is the hardest part. New research from The University of Texas helps to explain why. In two recent papers, Annabelle Roberts, Texas McCombs assistant marketing professor, explores the internal negotiations that happen when people feel impatient: whether they’re standing in a long queue or awaiting an important...

Telehealth Is as Safe as a Visit to the Clinic for Abortion Pills

Telehealth Is as Safe as a Visit to the Clinic for Abortion Pills

Large national study finds that video visits, texting and mailing pills are all effective, as the U.S. Supreme Court considers limiting access to telemedicine abortion. Medication abortion can be delivered safely and effectively through telemedicine, according to new research from UC San Francisco that comes as the U.S. Supreme Court is about to hear a...

For Graffiti Artists, Abandoned Skyscrapers in Miami and Los Angeles Become a Canvas for Regular People to Be Seen and Heard

For Graffiti Artists, Abandoned Skyscrapers in Miami and Los Angeles Become a Canvas for Regular People to Be Seen and Heard

The three qualities that matter most in real estate also matter the most to graffiti artists: location, location, location. In Miami and Los Angeles, cities that contain some of the most expensive real estate in the U.S., graffiti artists have recently made sure their voices can be heard and seen, even from the sky. In...

Reinforcing the Diverse Ways People Access Seafood Can Ensure Healthy Communities in the Face of Change

Reinforcing the Diverse Ways People Access Seafood Can Ensure Healthy Communities in the Face of Change

As climate change affects the oceans, coastal communities, particularly those at the front lines of ocean warming and sea level rise, are facing pressures that could threaten their access to aquatic foods. “Climate change and other economic shocks are impacting how people access seafood, and typically households that are most reliant on seafood, such as...