
Home Perspectives
Does ‘Pay-To-Play’ Put Sports, Extracurricular Activities Out of Reach for Some Students?

Does ‘Pay-To-Play’ Put Sports, Extracurricular Activities Out of Reach for Some Students?

From choir and cheerleading to soccer and student council, extracurricular school activities keep students engaged – but cost may be among barriers that prevent some children from participating, a new national poll suggests. Eighteen percent of middle and high school-age children are not involved in any extracurricular activities this school year, according to the C.S....

Savoring … It’s Not Just for Dinner

Savoring … It’s Not Just for Dinner

Most of us know what it’s like to savor a decadent slice of chocolate cake or a glass of our favorite wine. But savoring is a concept that goes far beyond our taste buds. While the word “savor” is often used in the context of food, we can also savor important experiences, moments or even...

What Does ‘Dead’ Mean?

What Does ‘Dead’ Mean?

Should death be defined in strictly biological terms — as the body’s failure to maintain integrated functioning of respiration, blood circulation, and neurological activity? Should death be declared on the basis of severe neurological injury even when biological functions remain intact? Or is it essentially a social construct that should be defined in different ways?...

Our Social Judgments Reveal a Tension Between Morals and Statistics

Our Social Judgments Reveal a Tension Between Morals and Statistics

People make statistically-informed judgments about who is more likely to hold particular professions even though they criticize others for the same behavior, according to findings published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. “People don’t like it when someone uses group averages to make judgments about individuals from different social groups who are otherwise...

Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em? Tourists in Our World

Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em? Tourists in Our World

Much of the world’s population has taken turns being tourists and encountering tourists in their home districts. Those of us who live in popular American major cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Philadelphia frequently come across tourists, or in more gracious terms, travellers. In turn, when we travel to Portland or Las Vegas...

Even When Presented with Facts, Supported by Evidence, Many Choose Not to Believe Them

Even When Presented with Facts, Supported by Evidence, Many Choose Not to Believe Them

In an era of fact-checking and “alternative facts,” many people simply choose not to believe research findings and other established facts, according to a new paper co-authored by a professor at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. “A growing body of evidence suggests that even when individuals are aware of research findings supported by a...

UC Political Scientist Reveals Surprising Answers About Religious Freedom

UC Political Scientist Reveals Surprising Answers About Religious Freedom

At a moment when boundaries of religious rights are in conflict and prominent in American conversation, Andrew Lewis looks at perspectives often unconsidered. Lewis, a University of Cincinnati political scientist and award-winning author, focuses his research on the nexus of American politics and religion and sees a potential shift in Christian conservative political strategies, especially...

Rude to Your Coworker? Think of the Children

Rude to Your Coworker? Think of the Children

When people are rude to their coworkers or treat them badly, they probably don’t realize the unintended victims in that encounter could be the coworkers’ children. Women who experience incivility in the workplace are more likely to engage in stricter, more authoritarian parenting practices that can have a negative impact on their children, according to...

Top 43 Reasons Why Men Remain Single — According to Reddit

Top 43 Reasons Why Men Remain Single — According to Reddit

In the past, forced or arranged marriages meant that socially inept, unattractive men did not have to acquire social skills in order to find a long-term love interest. Today, men must be able to turn on the charm if they want to find a partner. Those men who have difficulty flirting, or are unable to...