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Six Favorite Charts from 2017

Six Favorite Charts from 2017

From internet trolls to college dropouts: Our 6 favorite charts from 2017 Where we’ve been in 2017. 1. Invisible inequality America may be getting richer, but who’s reaping the reward? The economic gap in the U.S. has widened over the past few decades. Today, the top 10 percent of U.S. households control over three-quarters...

Untrustworthy Memories Make It Hard to Shop Ethically

Untrustworthy Memories Make It Hard to Shop Ethically

Imagine a shopper, Sarah, who is concerned about child labor and knows about groups like the Fair Wear Foundation that certify which brands sell ethically produced clothing. Hours after learning that fashion giant H&M reportedly sells clothing made by children in risky workplaces in Burma, she goes shopping. Completely forgetting about what she just heard,...

Why Justice Is More Important Than the Rule of Law

Why Justice Is More Important Than the Rule of Law

The 2017 Stress in America survey has confirmed it: Americans are officially freaking out. The survey, conducted by the Harris Poll, reports that what keeps many Americans up at night is genuine political anxiety. Rather than issues related to their work or families, respondents said they were most worried about the “future of the nation”...

Climate Change Will Displace Millions in Coming Decades. Nations Should Prepare Now to Help Them

Climate Change Will Displace Millions in Coming Decades. Nations Should Prepare Now to Help Them

Wildfires tearing across Southern California have forced thousands of residents to evacuate from their homes. Even more people fled ahead of the hurricanes that slammed into Texas and Florida earlier this year, jamming highways and filling hotels. A viral social media post showed a flight-radar picture of people trying to escape Florida and posed a...

Child Marriage Is Still Legal in the U.S.

Child Marriage Is Still Legal in the U.S.

The recent outrage over Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore allegedly targeting teenage girls for sex has elicited reports that some evangelical churches actually encourage teenage girls to date older men. It seems unlikely that Moore was ever interested in marrying any of the women who have thus far accused him of unwanted sexual attention...

Why Do We Tell Stories? Hunter-Gatherers Shed Light on the Evolutionary Roots of Fiction

Why Do We Tell Stories? Hunter-Gatherers Shed Light on the Evolutionary Roots of Fiction

From gathering around the campfire sharing tales to binge watching the latest Netflix series, humans are, and have always been, inveterate producers and consumers of stories. But why do we spend hours listening to and telling stories, often of exploits that never even happened? Clearly, from an evolutionary standpoint, this is time and effort that...

Social Media, the ‘Bikini Bridge’ and the Viral Contagion of Body Ideals

Social Media, the ‘Bikini Bridge’ and the Viral Contagion of Body Ideals

What happens when you combine a cultural obsession with thinness, a bit of organised propaganda and a catchy hashtag? Enter the “bikini bridge”: the space between the bikini and the lower abdomen that occurs when bather bottoms are suspended between the two hip bones. On January 5, 2014, anonymous internet trolls on 4chan, an imageboard...

Is the British Monarchy Actually Adapting to Changing Social Norms?

Is the British Monarchy Actually Adapting to Changing Social Norms?

Is the royal marriage story we’re being sold really a fairy tale come true? Or is it a story spun by Buckingham Palace for its own self-interest, one shrouded in myth and make-believe? In the coverage of next spring’s marriage between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, two main narratives have emerged. One is Markle’s mixed-race,...

The Concept of ‘Western Civilization’ Is Past Its Use-By Date in University Humanities Departments

The Concept of ‘Western Civilization’ Is Past Its Use-By Date in University Humanities Departments

A number of NSW and ACT universities are vying for the opportunity to access funding from the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation, which aims to “revive” liberal arts and the humanities in university education in Australia. John Howard: launched the Ramsay Centre on Monday. Dean Lewins/AAP The centre, launched on Monday by former prime minister...