“All the stresses and excesses of the holidays can leave your skin in bad shape, which makes you feel low, too,” said Megan Rogge, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth. “The challenge is that at the start of a new year, we all want to look great. The good news...
Author: sp (sp )
My Cold Is Gone, So Why Am I Still Coughing?
One of the classic cold symptoms is a cough. When coupled with a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and fatigue, it can make you feel pretty miserable. Usually after a week or so, the cold runs its course and most of the symptoms go away. But for some people, the cough hangs around a little...
How Does Social Drinking Become Problematic as We Age?
You may not realize it, but as we age, we become more vulnerable to developing an alcohol use disorder, more commonly known as alcoholism. And, even if you don’t develop an alcohol use disorder, its important know that your body processes alcohol less efficiently the older you get, says Brad Lander, a clinical psychologist and addiction...
Reducing Drinking Could Help with Smoking Cessation, Research Finds
If quitting smoking is one of your New Year’s resolutions, you might want to consider cutting back on your drinking, too. New research has found that heavy drinkers who are trying to stop smoking may find that reducing their alcohol use can also help them quit their daily smoking habit. Heavy drinkers’ nicotine metabolite ratio...
Moderate Drinking Not Harmful for Older Patients with Heart Failure
A new study suggests that people over age 65 who are newly diagnosed with heart failure can continue to drink moderate amounts of alcohol without worsening their condition. The study, from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, showed a survival benefit for moderate drinkers compared with those who abstained from alcohol. On average,...
Older Adults Care About Strangers’ Welfare in Financial Decision-Making
A recent study by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) found that when it comes to making financial decisions under risk, older adults will regard the financial outcomes of others’ as their own and make choices that they would have selected for themselves. “Citizens in approximately one third of the countries around the...
How ‘Dry January’ Is the Secret to Better Sleep, Saving Money and Losing Weight
New research from the University of Sussex shows that taking part in Dry January – abstaining from booze for a month – sees people regaining control of their drinking, having more energy, better skin and losing weight. They also report drinking less months later. The research, led by Sussex psychologist Dr. Richard de Visser, was...
Heroes and Villains Influence What You Buy
Stories about villains and heroes have captured the human imagination for centuries, and now those characters are ubiquitous on the packages and labels of products. But do these characters influence whether people are willing to buy something, and how much they’ll pay for it? Professor Tamara Masters of Brigham Young University predicted that vice, or...
New Study Finds Employee Incentives Can Lead to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
Considering end-of-year bonuses for your employees? Supervisors be forewarned, a new study finds that while incentive rewards can help motivate and increase employee performance it can also lead to unethical behavior in the workplace. “Goal fixation can have a profound impact on employee behavior, and the damaging effects appear to be growing stronger in today’s...
3D Printing Offers Helping Hand to Patients with Arthritis
Adaptive aids are expensive. Additive manufacturing, using low-cost 3-D printers, can save upwards of 94 percent for simple household items. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that almost a quarter of the U.S. population lives with some form of arthritis. Daily tasks — like opening drawers, turning door handles — can be...