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New Research Reveals the Enduring Benefits of Hiring a Star

Much has been written about the benefits of collaboration and sharing of ideas and knowledge during the innovation process. Less is known about the intricate skills required to integrate, or synthesise, various raw materials in a way that will maximise creativity, and create innovations that help organisations out-perform their competitors. A new paper entitled, Where...

Stock Options Worth More for Women, Senior Managers, Study Finds

Stock Options Worth More for Women, Senior Managers, Study Finds

A novel new way of determining the value of employee stock options has yielded some surprising insights: Options granted to woman and senior managers are worth more because they hold them longer. And options that vest annually rather than monthly are worth more for the same reason. The new valuation method, which combines standard option...

Work-Family Conflict Hits Home

Work-Family Conflict Hits Home

Researchers have long known that sick children can affect a company’s bottom line, as employees are distracted or have to take time off to care for their children. Far less is known about the impact a parent’s work life has on their children’s health. In a paper published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, researchers report that...

Board Independence Protects Firms from Corporate Misconduct

Board Independence Protects Firms from Corporate Misconduct

The more a company’s board is independent from management, the less likely it will become entangled in corporate misconduct, according to new findings, from a meta-analysis of 135 studies, published in The Journal of Management. The site of independence also matters. Independence on the audit committee particularly shelters firms from misconduct, researchers found. At the same...

Capri Holdings Limited Completes Acquisition of Versace

Capri Holdings Limited Completes Acquisition of Versace

Capri Holdings has changed its name from Michael Kors Holdings Limited (NYSE: KORS), and beginning on January 2, 2019, its New York Stock Exchange ticker symbol will be CPRI. The company has also completed its acquisition of Versace. John D. Idol, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Capri Holdings said, “With the acquisition of Versace,...

Older Adults Care About Strangers’ Welfare in Financial Decision-Making

Older Adults Care About Strangers’ Welfare in Financial Decision-Making

A recent study by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) found that when it comes to making financial decisions under risk, older adults will regard the financial outcomes of others’ as their own and make choices that they would have selected for themselves. “Citizens in approximately one third of the countries around the...

Heroes and Villains Influence What You Buy

Heroes and Villains Influence What You Buy

Stories about villains and heroes have captured the human imagination for centuries, and now those characters are ubiquitous on the packages and labels of products. But do these characters influence whether people are willing to buy something, and how much they’ll pay for it? Professor Tamara Masters of Brigham Young University predicted that vice, or...

New Study Finds Employee Incentives Can Lead to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

New Study Finds Employee Incentives Can Lead to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

Considering end-of-year bonuses for your employees? Supervisors be forewarned, a new study finds that while incentive rewards can help motivate and increase employee performance it can also lead to unethical behavior in the workplace. “Goal fixation can have a profound impact on employee behavior, and the damaging effects appear to be growing stronger in today’s...

Expert on Market Conditions Leading Up to GM Announcement to Close Plants, Lay Off 14,000 People

Expert on Market Conditions Leading Up to GM Announcement to Close Plants, Lay Off 14,000 People

General Motors on November 26 announced plans to close five manufacturing sites and consolidate production in North America and eliminate an estimated 14,000 white collar and blue-collar jobs. Rodney Parker, associate professor of operations management at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, said the announcement reflects several new realities for GM. “First, it reflects the...

A World Without Brick-And-Mortar Stores? Even Avid Online Shoppers Say, ‘No, Thanks’

A World Without Brick-And-Mortar Stores? Even Avid Online Shoppers Say, ‘No, Thanks’

It has been dubbed the “retail apocalypse” – the widespread shuttering of brick-and-mortar stores across America in the wake of online shopping’s skyrocketing popularity. But how do consumers feel about this changing retail landscape? University of Arizona researcher Sabrina Helm decided to find out in a new study published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer...